- Submit your Article/Research Paper at email id: dmmresearchpapers@gmail.com.
- Format of the Research Paper should be:
- (i) Title
- (ii) Author Name/s
- (iii) Author Details (Post/Designation, Department Name, College, State, Country, Mobile Number, Email)
- (iii) Abstract
- (iv) Keywords
- (v) Introduction
- (vi) Research Methodology
- (vii) Material
- (viii) Conclusion
- (ix) References (maximum 50)
- (x) The References should follow the following APA format
(a) In case of Research Paper Reference: List the author’s last name, the first initial of their first name, the first initial of their middle name (if applicable), publication year, title of article/research paper, Journal Name, Volume (Issue No.) and page numbers.
For Example:
• Fridy, J. A., & Orhan, C. (1993). Lacunary Statistical Convergence. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 160(1), 43-51.
• रेड्डी, डॉ. एम. नारायण, (2021), हिन्दी के रामकथात्मक उपन्यासों में भाषा प्रयोग, Sahitya Samhita (साहित्य संहिता), 7(11), 17-43.
(b) In case of Book Reference: List the author’s last name, the first initial of their first name, the first initial of their middle name (if applicable), publication year, book title, edition (if it isn’t the first), and publisher.
For Example:
• Sharma, B. (2017). Book of Devi. Penguin Random House India Private Limited.
• गुप्ता एवं मदन, (2006), 13-महाभारत-एक अन्य पहलू, राष्ट्रीय जल विज्ञान संस्थान |
- Scope of Journal : Languages, Social Science and Humanities, Science, Commerce
- Fonts Preferred: Kokila (Unicode ) with 16 font size (For English and Hindi), Gurmukhi (Unicode ) with 14 font size (For Punjabi) with 1.0 line spacing and all subheadings must be bold. Title of Paper must be Bold with 18 font size (For English and Hindi), 16 font size (For Punjabi).
Margin : 1.5 inch (Top, Bottom) and 1 inch( Left and Right)
- Maximum number of pages in a Research Paper can be 15.